Welcome WCA Alumni
Thank you for visiting us! Our new Alumni Association Website is designed with you in mind: to allow you to connect to old classmates, learn of alumni events, find out how to give back to WCA, and how to get involved in being the light to our next generation of Christian Leaders.
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Get Involved Giving WCA a Helping Hand
Learn the Many Ways To Give Back to WCA
See What is Going On with Other Alumni
Would you help us identify the traits, characteristics and other statistics in our alumni by taking our Alumni survey? There will also be feedback sections which you can use to help shape this resource as it grows.
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Welcome to WCA’s Alumni Association
The 40-year history of WCA proudly celebrates the hundreds of alumni who have been a part of our school community. Williamsburg Christian Academy Alumni Association’s mission is to facilitate supportive engagement between WCA and its graduates.
Our goals are to:
further the school’s mission of building relationships that inspire graduates to serve their community as Christ-centered leaders
serve as a platform for making connections between recent and past graduates to establish a strong network of alumni who support one another personally and professionally;
create a culture of philanthropy among the alumni body,
To increase alumni participation and involvement in University activities
To promote pride, tradition, and loyalty among both current students and former students